GLIDER - basic - 3990 €
- fuselage with sections, mounted rudder, drive and cable for stabilizer, hose for tek
- ready canopy with lock
- wings with CNC cutted holes, 6 flaps (airbrakes as option)
- GFK covers for brakes and servos
- winglets
- joiner
- stabilizer ready to mount
- set of stickers
GLIDER - prepared for mounting Jetec 110 - 4210 €
- fuselage with sections prepared for mounting Jetec 110 (with cutted on CNC door), mounted rudder, drive and cable for stabilizer, hose for tek
- ready canopy with frame
- wings with CNC cutted holes , 6 flaps (airbrakes as option)
- GFK covers for brakes and servos
- winglets
- joiner
- stabilizer ready to mount
- set of stickers
Cockpit - basic - 190 €
- GFK parts
Cockpit - exclusive - 495 €
- GFK parts
- dash panel
- pedals
- accessories (fabrics, levers, microphone, seat belt, stickers)
Cordura covers set - 380 €
Additional options:
- CNC cutted doors with hinges for l. gear 90 €
- Tow hook + montage at nose 40 €
- Cables and sockets for wings + montage 160 €
- Airbrakes + montage 240 €